The cure for the pain, is in the pain. Rumi wrote. It’s a simple and elegant phrase.
In my practice as a Grinberg practitioner I’ve discovered it’s not merely simple and elegant but also true and paradoxical. It’s true because without being with the pain, the pain cannot dissolve. And it’s paradoxical because you wouldn’t expect that staying with something you feel you have to get away from can actually transform by staying into something new.
To clarify: this is not about life treathening pain, pain that comes trough disease or because of breaking a bone. It’s about the pain that we are normally unaware of. Pain that comes into being trough neglect or patterns in our behavior.
We all have places in our body that hurt when you touch them. It can be the most surprising spots that we would never think of as painful. We got used to them to such an extent that we started suppressing the sensations that come from there. They have become part of who we are.
But if we submit to this state of things we forget something important: we are the only ones that can influence these sensations. We create them and so we can undo them.
Undoing them usually starts with realizing exactly how we create our pains. This can be much more specific than pulling up your shoulders when you are behind your computer. Maybe you subtely tense your belly when expecting bad news, or maybe you tense your throat when you want to say something important but then don’t. These little things have more meaning than apparent. They become part of who we are and influence the way we feel.
In a Bodylearning session becoming aware of these patterns is key. Only when we become aware of them, we can start working with them. Our goal is not only to get rid of physical pain, but also to become free of the patterns in ourselves. To become free of ourselves, in a way.
Part of a session can be that we look for pain in the body, because if we can release pain, energy starts flowing. Which, I think, is not unlike what Rumi meant when he wrote about the cure for pain.
Alexander has brought me and my body onto a journey of healing. Releasing anxiety and fear, his hands and different forms of touch are highly caring. We always individualize session to my needs and priorities, making this form of body therapy not only accompanying but supportive.
Alexander is een geïnspireerde coach die met aandacht luistert naar je klachten. Hij creëert een geborgen ruimte waarin met toewijding en vertrouwen gewerkt wordt. Het voelt het erg gezamenlijk, als een echte samen-werking. De sessies hebben mij geholpen met concrete klachten als energie en stemmingswisselingen en mijn lichaamsbewustzijn verruimd: ik ben nieuwsgieriger geworden naar mijn lijf, draag er meer zorg voor en ervaar een uitnodiging tot meer spel en plezier.