• What can we work on during a Bodylearning session

    During a bodylearning session we can work on physical, mental and emotional patterns. We can start working on a physical issue, like a shoulder pain, and generally we find out that the pain is caused by repetitive behaviour, often linked to specific situations. In the best case scenario we not only solve the shoulder pain, but also change the way the client responds in the situations. 

    We can NOT work with persons that have life-threatening ilnesses, anti-depressants, psychosis or women in early stages of pregnancy. Clients that are under chemotherapy or have had an operation in the recent past are advised to wait for a period before starting a process. 

  • Should I prepare for a session?

    Before a session it is advised not to eat too much as it's better to not have a bloated feeling during the session. It's also good to have some free time after the session to digest the experience. So better not plan something imnmediately after. 

  • How long does a process take

    It depends on the issue the client brings to the process. Some things can happen fast, some things require time. 

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