When you discover the various ways in which you create the tensions in your body, you can also find ways to release them, or even better: prevent them from coming up
During a session you will get to know automatic ways your body reacts to intensity and discover other options. Going towards a painful sensation instead of away from it can change your life
Sometimes the person getting in your way the most is you. We often have a much bigger potential than what we actually are able to realize. If we find a way to stop our physical blocks, we start finding more freedom in life.
Fear and pain
are the friends
that make us grow
The Grinberg methodology is one of the few methods in the world that advertises with fear and pain. It's unconventional marketing, but there is a core of truth involved. Fear and Pain are central to being human and the way we deal with them shows a lot about who we are
Fear is not really what movies wants us to believe it is. It's a strong sensation that arises when we are in a new, potentially dangerous situation. A clear response to uncertainty that is essential for our survival.
Pain, when it's not an immediate response to physical danger, is a way to attract attention to a part of the body that has been neglected. It helps the body to bring attention to parts that it has forgotten a bit and start a process of increased awareness in the area.
Both Fear and Pain can be strong catalysts that have the potential to transform you. In some sessions we might encounter both fear and pain, but always in a way that is safe and manageable. In other sessions these sensations are nowhere to be found.
Here's an interesting video of Avi Grinberg on the subject:
Alexander has brought me and my body onto a journey of healing. Releasing anxiety and fear, his hands and different forms of touch are highly caring. We always individualize session to my needs and priorities, making this form of body therapy not only accompanying but supportive.
Alexander is een geïnspireerde coach die met aandacht luistert naar je klachten. Hij creëert een geborgen ruimte waarin met toewijding en vertrouwen gewerkt wordt. Het voelt het erg gezamenlijk, als een echte samen-werking. De sessies hebben mij geholpen met concrete klachten als energie en stemmingswisselingen en mijn lichaamsbewustzijn verruimd: ik ben nieuwsgieriger geworden naar mijn lijf, draag er meer zorg voor en ervaar een uitnodiging tot meer spel en plezier.